Explore the creative potential of immersive arts through a groundbreaking UK-wide programme.

Would you like to explore immersive technology within your creative practice?

Immersive Arts is a brand new funding and support programme for UK-based artists, designed to help them develop their art by using immersive technologies. Artists at all levels of experience are invited to apply, to explore, experiment or expand how they work with this exciting field of practice.

The Big Thing

Our first annual event The Big Thing brings together artists, creatives, researchers, and technologists from across the UK and beyond who want to shape the future of immersive art.

Over 3 days in Bradford, you’ll have the chance to connect, get inspired and evolve your practice…


Find out more about THE BIG THING

Our Funding Tiers...


What would you do with £5,000 to explore immersive arts?

If you have a creative practice but little or no experience of immersive arts or technologies, you could get funding, support and advice to be curious and spark new thinking. 

Find out more about EXPLORE


Are you ready to get your ideas off the ground and test your work out with an audience?

Apply for £20,000 and access tailored workshops and support to experiment with an idea or develop a project.

Find out more about EXPERIMENT


Do you have an immersive arts project in development?

Apply for £50,000 plus tailored mentoring and expert support to expand your work and present it to an audience.

Find out more about EXPAND

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